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March 04, 2004


Romin Irani

This is an interesting thread. While I am not a guru on UDDI specs, I am currently involved in evaluating it for maintaining specifications, etc in a UDDI Registry.

I would like to add that the specifications that we are trying to maintain are basically XML Schema files that could go through multiple versions and there could be several active versions of each schema.

For e.g. consider a typical scenario.

An Organization ABC (DUNS = 123456789) is interested in receiving PIP documents (defined by the Rosettanet standard). The PIP Document is going to be described by a XML Schema published by Organization ABC (i.e. they super impose their own restrictions on a standard PIP Schema published by Rosettanet). For sake of simplicity, Organization ABC currently accepts only Inventory Reports (PIP 4C1). So, it publishes a XML Schema as follows (Please note this):


This is the only way of identifying a unique version in the current scenario. So the versioning is present not only for the PIP document (v02.00) but also for the revisions made to it i.e. v01.00. The 123456789 is the DUNS number to further uniquely identify that this publication is from a specific Organization.

Consider a given, that one also has to build in subscription information so that a partner XYZ gets notification if a newer version say :


is published.

I would love to know your thoughts about this.


Manoj Kumar

I am using UDDI v2 and somehow need to implement versioning for the services I am publishing. I though it will be a good idea to use the upcoming style.

Will you pl send me any link to the current state of the proposal about the versioning?

Manoj Kumar

Don Smith

I see this is an old entry, but it doesn't look like web service versioning metadata made it into the UDDI v3 spec. Is this correct? I've extended UDDI v2 to include versioning metadata and while I haven't dived into the v3 spec, I can't imagine that I wouldn't be able to do the same thing in v3 ... but I certainly don't want to if I don't have to because placeholders already exist. Thanks.

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